The use of aluminium bronze in the building of sub sea platforms has been well documented over a long history of refits.

Numerous problems with cast aluminium bronze have been encountered relating to leaking valves and other components. On routine inspection the full extent of corrosion penetration can be masked by surface corrosion product. This can hide selective phase corrosion which can penetrate much deeper into the part.

The understanding of selective phase corrosion in cast Nickel Aluminium Bronze, although known for many years, has been helped more recently by the use of scanning electro-microscopes and electrochemical analysis. Research conducted recently has given a clearer understanding of the complex electrochemical mechanisms that take place in pitting and crevice corrosion. This suggests that selective phase corrosion can initiate crevice corrosion by a very complex electrochemical cell. The κ phase can exist in many forms) and SEM examination has enabled specific analysis of each phase.

The micro structure of Nickel Aluminium Bronze is quite complex with up to 6 separate phases present, as shown below.